Certified American Grown Hosts Farmer Mental Health Webinar

Farming is hard and the stress of this unpredictable profession often makes it difficult to put yourself first, when needed.  Mental Health and Wellbeing is a critical component to ensuring you and your teams can be healthy and, in a space, to show up for your families, farms, friends, communities, and yourself!

Certified American Grown is pleased to bring the important topic of farmer mental health and wellbeing to the forefront through a webinar for the American floral and foliage community. We hope to begin a critical conversation to ensure members of the industry are empowered with the tools and ideas to take care of themselves also while taking care of their businesses.

Please join CAG and the floral and foliage community in welcoming Marshal Sewell, Founder of Mind Your Melon as we host this important conversation seeking thoughts, experiences, and resources. Mind Your Melon is a passion project developed by Marshal and Taylor Sewell. After experiencing the stresses, loss, and grief associated with farm life, firsthand, the couple committed themselves to raising awareness of farm stress and mental health while sharing relevant health and wellness resources within their agricultural community.

After years of work in this space, Marshal and Taylor quickly realized the widespread nature of the issue. While Mind Your Melon began with a focus on their local area, they have broadened their focus by observing and researching farm stress and its implications at a national and international scale.

This webinar is free to CAG members.  Remember to mark your calendars and come back to this email when it’s time to join the chat.

Details for the webinar:
Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Time: 11:00am PST/2:00pm EST
Join by clicking the link below

To learn more about Mind Your Melon, please click here: Mind Your Melon – Growing Healthy Minds with Healthy Choices

Marshal and Taylor Sewell, through Mind Your Melon, engage with farmers, ranchers, and other industry stakeholders through traditional channels, such as guest writing, workshops, lectures, and various speaking engagements. Mind Your Melon also leverages digital tools, like social media and their podcast platform, to connect with rural audiences around the world. 



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